Job Demands Analysis Toolkit

Job Demands Analysis (JDAs) are used to objectively capture and describe the physical, cognitive, and psychosocial demands required to perform a particular job or role.

Please register for myOHCOW to use our improved Job Assess Tool!


A Job Demands Analysis (JDA) includes both a Physical Demands Description (PDD), as well as an analysis of Cognitive and Psychosocial Demands (CDA).

JDAs can be used by a wide range of individuals within different organizations.

They can be used internally within a workplace, or externally by various individuals or organizations. Examples include:


  • Human Resources
  • Health & Safety
  • Occupational Health
  • Managers
  • Supervisors
  • Engineers


  • Family Doctors
  • Physiotherapists
  • Occupational Therapists
  • Workplace Safety & Insurance Board
  • Worker Compensation
  • Insurance Providers

JDAs take the following considerations into account:

Icon of a calendar and clock representing administrative controls


Icon showing a rubber glove, hard helmet and mask depicting the use of personal protective equipment (PPE)

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Icon showing a jackhammer, hand saw and wrench depicting the concept of tools and equipment

Tools, Equipment, and Materials

Icon of a light fixture, thermometer and noise waves depicting various factors that make up the work environment


Icon showing a figure lifting or lowering a box

Strength Demands

Icon of a person bending over using a drill, depicting an "awkward posture"

Body Posture Frequency

Icon for the concept of sensory demands

Sensory Demands

Icon for the concept of cognitive

Cognitive Demands

Icon of a fist for the concept of psychosocial factors

Psychosocial Factors

Our Job Demands Analysis tool
is available in two formats:

The New JDA Web App Version

Thumbnail image of screenshots from OHCOW's Job Assess App.

To access this version you will need to create an account under the new MyOHCOW.

JDA Spreadsheet

This JDA template was the basis for the web-based version above.
It was developed primarily for offline use and does not require an account.

Thumbnail image of OHCOW's Job Demands Analysis spreadsheet tool

JDAs are used to objectively capture and describe the physical, cognitive, and psychosocial demands that are required to perform a particular job or role.

A Job Demands Analysis (JDA) includes both a Physical Demands Description (PDD), as well as an analysis of Cognitive and Psychosocial Demands (CDA).

JDAs can be used by a wide range of individuals within different organizations.
They can be used internally within a workplace, or externally by various individuals or organizations.
Some examples include:


  • Human Resources
  • Health & Safety
  • Occupational Health
  • Managers
  • Supervisors
  • Engineers


  • Family Doctors
  • Physiotherapists
  • Occupational Therapists
  • Workplace Safety & Insurance Board 4 Worker Compensation
  • Insurance Providers

JDAs take the following considerations into account:

Icon of figure in the background overlayed by a meter showing two different levels of performance


Icon showing a rubber glove, hard helmet and mask depicting the use of personal protective equipment (PPE)

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Icon showing a jackhammer, hand saw and wrench depicting the concept of tools and equipment

Tools, Equipment, and Materials

Icon of a light fixture, thermometer and noise waves depicting various factors that make up the work environment


Icon of a person lifting a box and another person tending to a child, depicting the concept of both home and work duties

Strength Demands

Icon of figure in the background overlayed by a meter showing two different levels of performance

Body Posture Frequency

Icon of figure in the background overlayed by a meter showing two different levels of performance

Sensory Demands

Icon of figure in the background overlayed by a meter showing two different levels of performance

Cognitive Demands

Icon of figure in the background overlayed by a meter showing two different levels of performance

Psychosocial Factors

JDAs Have Many Uses

JDA information can be used in a variety of different ways including (but not limited to):

JDAs can be used to guide further investigation into potential hazards or risk of injury. Workplaces can use the JDA observation and data collection process to flag potential hazardous tasks that require analysis or further investigation. It may result in ergonomic improvements such as process modifications or design changes that prevent future injuries.

JDAs can be used by insurance providers (particularly the WSIB in Ontario) to assist in the determination or work-relatedness or cause of injury in the adjudication of claims. There are limitations to the use of information for this purpose.

JDAs can be used as a reference to provide employers with specific information about jobs to quickly and effectively accommodate workers in jobs that are within prescribed physical restrictions by a healthcare practitioner. This should not be mistaken for simply matching restrictions and JDAs. A JDA does not eliminate the possibility of accommodating a restriction through modifications to the current process.

JDAs can provide treating healthcare practitioners with an accurate understanding of the tasks their patients are required to perform in their occupations. This can help in creating an effective treatment plan that considers the potential impact of work and may help them return to work more quickly, but also safely.


The following resources provide more information on job demands analysis


RSI Day 2023 Week 4 – Job Demands: Physical and Cognitive

WEBINAR • A review of the use of physical demands analysis (PDA) expanding on methods for evaluating manual materials handling (MMH) and posture analysis and discussing emerging ways to tackle cognitive demands analysis.


RSI Day 2023 Week 3 – Review of and New Directions for OHCOW’s PDD Handbook

WEBINAR • A review of OHCOWs current PDD handbook followed by an introduction of upcoming changes to the PDD handbook and PDD


Understanding the Elements of a Physical Demand Analysis (PDA)/ Physical Demand Description (PDD)

February 17, 2022

Nathan Birtch, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS)


Utilizing A PDA / PDD and FAE to Determine Return to Work (RTW)

February 17, 2022

Amy DuBreuil, Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB)
Physiohealth Inc


Components of a Functional Abilities Exam (FAE)

February 17, 2022

Dennis Polygenis, Physiohealth Inc

Feature image for OHCOW's Physical Demands Description (PDD) Toolkit

Physical Demands Description (PDD) Toolkit

A Handbook and Template for Completing Physical Demands Descriptions A document that objectively captures and describes the physical demands that are required to perform a particular job.


Have questions/comments about this toolkit?
Contact OHCOW
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