Ergonomics/Injury Prevention


Prevention programs are a proactive way to find and fix workplace hazards before workers are injured or become ill. These programs can be effective at reducing injuries, illnesses, and fatalities. Musculoskeletal Disorders, Work Environment and Workplace Ergonomics are all key topics of the prevention picture.


By definition, ergonomics is the study of the relationship between workers and their work environment.

The aim of ergonomics is to match the job to the worker to reduce the strain placed on the tissues and to prevent injury.

We provide information and resources on both office ergonomics and industrial/commercial ergonomics


When a muscle, tendon, nerve or joint is stressed and traumatized on a repeated basis for days, months or years, those body tissues eventually become damaged. This leads to a work-related musculoskeletal disorder (MSD).

Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are the most common type of workplace injury in Ontario workplaces. They can occur throughout the body including the head, neck and back as well as in the upper and lower extremities. It is crucial to control the hazards that could leads to MSDs.

Apps & Tools

Here is a selection of our most popular apps and tools for Ergonomics and Injury Prevention. For our full selection, see our Apps Tools and Calculator page.


The environment in which your work can adversely affect your health and well-being.

Work Environment

From noise to temperature and lighting, it is important that all aspects of your work environment are suitable for the tasks that are being performed as well as the people that are performing them.

A safe and healthy work environment is good for your workers as well as your business as it improves job satisfaction, productivity and reduces costs related to absenteeism, turnover, workers’ compensation, and medical claims. Learn more about the importance, benefits and how to improve your work environment using the following topic-specific resources:

Icon depicting the concept of sound / noise waves


Icon of a simple, hanging light fixture point light directly downwards


Icon depicting the concept of temperature using a thermometer


Icon of curled lines inside a white cloud representing indoor air quality (IAQ)

Indoor Air Quality


We all experience sound and noise in our daily life, normally at a safe level that does not damage our hearing. However, sound can be extremely harmful when at too high a frequency and when experienced over a long period. Learn more about the types of noise, noise limits and the effects of prolonged exposure to high levels of noise with our wide range of resources. Learn more about NIHL on our  Noise-induced Hearing Loss page.


Proper lighting in your work space is essential to both your health and safety. Insufficient or improper lighting can cause eye strain leading to headaches, even migraines.
It can also cause accidents due to poor visibility. Use the following resources to learn more about the importance of workplace lighting:


Heat / Cold

Workers are often employed in environments, both inside and outside, which may involve exposure to both cold and hot temperatures. Understanding the health risks involved with working in extreme temperatures can help employers protect their workers. From heat stress and sun stroke to hypothermia and snow shovelling, we cover a wide range of health effects with valuable resources. Learn more on our Working in Heat/Cold Extremes page.


"Sick Building Syndrome"

Indoor Air Quality is an important component of your work environment. Poor indoor air quality can lead to headaches, fatigue, eye, nose, throat and skin irritations as well as the spread of colds and the flu. It can also be responsible for Building-Related Illnesses (BRI) such as Legionnaires's Disease, Pontiac Fever, Aspergillosis, SARS, Tuberculosis, Rubeolla. Use the following resources to learn more about the causes, effects, and prevention of Sick Building Syndrome by improving indoor air quality using the following resources: