Back Injuries and Materials Handling Video Series
This series of eight videos was produced during Global Ergonomics Month 2024 in recognition of the MLITSD Industrial Sector Compliance Initiative on Material Handling. This year-long enforcement campaign asks inspectors to visit various sectors where fatalities and critical injuries are taking place. The focus is on workplaces where materials, articles or things are lifted, carried, or moved, and puts workers at risk of being injured by their movement.

Celebrated in October each year, Global Ergonomics Month is an international outreach campaign promoting human-centred design through the science, application and profession of ergonomics or human factors. These disciplines are focused on optimizing human well-being as well as overall system performance by proactively designing work and work systems to fit the people interfacing with them in ways that improve efficiency, productivity, health, safety and comfort. Ergonomics is ultimately good for business and good for people.
Below are some of the most popular ergonomic resources developed by OHCOW.
Back to School: Ergonomics for Educators & Students
Students and educators are going back to school and most people probably don’t realize that there are ergonomic risk factors associated with the return to school that may lead to the onset of musculoskeletal injuries in both students and educators. In this podcast we will discuss the ergonomic risk factors associated with returning to school such as student’s backpacks; classroom furniture; technology (computers, tablets, phones, etc.); as well as classroom organization. Prevention strategies to minimize injury and develop a more active, healthy classroom will also be discussed. Presenters: Dwayne Fuchs, OHCOW Occupational Ergonomist, Melissa Statham, OHCOW Occupational Ergonomist.
Ergonomics of Fall Yard/Garden Chores: Preparation for Winter
Winter is fast approaching and everyone, even those that live in apartments or condominiums, generally need to do at least some things related to fall clean. Most people probably don’t realize that there are ergonomic risk factors associated with these chores that may lead to the onset of musculoskeletal injuries. In this podcast we will discuss the ergonomic risk factors related to fall yard/garden chores such as yard/waste cleanup, gardening tasks – harvesting and cleanup, cleaning gutters, yard and leisure equipment storage as well as furniture storage.
Ergonomics and Sleep Podcasts
This is the time of year when sleep becomes an issue again. Although everyone must sleep daily, most people do not realize how important sleep really is to our physical, emotional, and psychological wellbeing. In this podcast, the first of two parts, you will learn how important sleep is; how sleep deprivation negatively affects us; how poor sleep can lead to and exacerbate musculoskeletal injuries; and what ergonomic risk factors for injury are present while we sleep.
New Products
office Ergo e-Learning Course
The basics of the Office Ergonomics Reference guide is now a 7 module e-learning resource complete with Knowledge Checks and a Certificate of Completion!
Just register for a MyOHCOW account and you are all set.
Job Demands Analysis (JDA)
Job Demands Analysis (JDAs) are used to objectively capture and describe the physical, cognitive, and psychosocial demands required to perform a particular job or role.
New Apps
Office Ergonomics Calculator
The Office Ergonomics Calculator was designed to highlight areas of improvement between you and your workstation. Ensuring the proper height of your chair and workstation equipment is important in improving comfort and potentially reducing the risk of injury. The office ergonomics calculator is not an ergonomic assessment, but rather a tool to indicate areas where improvement may be needed.
Keyboard Shortcut Tutorial
If you use a computer on a regular basis you need to be using keyboard shortcuts to minimize mouse use, increase keyboard efficiency, and reduce ergonomic risk. Different computers / operating systems have different shortcuts. Learn more about the shortcuts for the system that you use.
Celebrated in October each year, Global Ergonomics Month is an international outreach campaign promoting human-centred design through the science, application and profession of ergonomics or human factors. These disciplines are focused on optimizing human well-being as well as overall system performance by proactively designing work and work systems to fit the people interfacing with them in ways that improve efficiency, productivity, health, safety and comfort. Ergonomics is ultimately good for business and good for people.
OHCOW is contributing to the Month by launching our new app (PainPoint) which translates body mapping and task characteristics into recommendations and an action plan for individuals which can be shared to start a dialogue about workplace solutions. Built with the assistance of the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety, it will be officially launched at an Ontario Prevention System event on October 14th, but is available now at: . Be part of our user experience group -- try it, share it, and tell us how you like it at
OHCOW is also co-hosting an event for workers and their advocates with the Workers Health and Safety Centre (WHSC) in Hamilton on October 25 & 26th:Â From Pain to Prevention:
Taking Action to Prevent MSDs ( Musculoskeletal Disorders) see the MSD conference flyer, agenda, and conference registration form for more information.
In addition, check out the Ministry of Labour’s Ergonomics Month website for a listing of more events, tools and resources to raise awareness of this important subject:
And carrying the theme a few weeks longer, attend one of these OHCOW workshops in Southwest Ontario:
Seminar Series (Lunch & Learn): “Taking a Stand Against Sitting”
Recently labelled as the new smoking, sitting consumes a large portion of our daily lives and unfortunately even becomes habit. Prolonged sitting has been associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and even death. But how much do we really sit in a typical day and what are we at risk of? This session will discuss the harmful effects of prolonged sitting and examine the difference between habitual and conscious movement and why breaking one’s habit can often be more difficult than we think. Recommendations for avoiding prolonged sitting will be provided as they relate to both the workplace and everyday life.
OHCOW will be highlighting various resources throughout the month to raise awareness and provide information on the benefits of ergonomics. The first two resources, info sheets from the ErgoInfo series, provide information on musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) and the signs and symptoms of MSDs.
Celebrated in October each year, Global Ergonomics Month is an international outreach campaign promoting human-centred design through the science, application and profession of ergonomics or human factors. These disciplines are focused on optimizing human well-being as well as overall system performance by proactively designing work and work systems to fit the people interfacing with them in ways that improve efficiency, productivity, health, safety and comfort.
Ergonomics is ultimately good for both business and people.
October 31: Office Ergonomics Reference Guide
Updated for the modern workplace, remote (mobile) workstations, and new technology. Ergonomics aims to design workstations, work processes, equipment, and tools to fit you.
October 12: Fall Yard and Winter Chores at Home
Ergonomic principles extend beyond the workplace. To learn how to apply ergonomic principles to Fall and Winter Chores listen to these podcasts:
Ergonomics of Fall Yard/Garden Chores (PDF and Podcast link)
October 2: MSD InfoSheets
ErgoInfoSheet: Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs)
ErgoInfoSheet: Musculoskeletal Disorders Signs and Symptoms
Also check out the podcast on this topic:
OHCOW contributed the following online sessions to Global Ergonomics Month 2021 to assist both workers and employers.
New Office Ergonomics Reference Guide Launch
Video link coming soon...
Fork Lift Promo
Operating Heavy Equipment
Exercises to Help Prevent Injuries for Lift Truck Operators
How to Set the Seat and Controls in Fork Lifts to Prevent Injuries
In 2019 the Ontario Ministry of Labour (MoL) focused on Manual Materials Handling (MMH) as part of their Healthy workers in Healthy Workplaces initiative and conducted worksite inspections looking specifically at MMH tasks across all sectors.
Full details of the initiative can be found on the MoL website of by following the links below:
• Construction   •   Health care    •  Industrial   •   Mining
Ergonomic Tools and Calculators
OHCOW has a number of free ergonomic tools and calculators to assist your workplace in preparing / updating your current practices prior to your inspection visit.
Contact your local OHCOW Clinic to speak to an Ergonomist for more specific help.
You can also visit for the most up-to-date information and tools to support workplaces of all sizes.
It includes a simple Quick Start Guide to start doing something about manual material handling today.
OHCOW contributed to Global Ergonomics Month 2017 with the following presentations:
Evaluate Your Workstation: An Introduction to a New Office Ergonomics Calculator
Co-hosted by WSN