Prevention and Treatment
March 13 is World Kidney Day. Medical intervention can treat chronic Kidney disease, if it is detected early. According to the Kidney Foundation of Canada, 1 in 10 people in this country are affected by kidney disease. That’s over 4 million Canadians. It can be caused by genetics, lifestyle, and by some common workplace exposures. To find out more about Kidney health, see the Kidney Foundation of Canada website, and the World Kidney Day website.

Exposure in Canadian Mines
It has been known that exposure to radiation and certain chemicals can lead to kidney cancer. This paper by OHCOW Occupational Hygienists, Kidney Cancer and Exposures in Ontario Mines, discusses research on kidney cancer as it specifically relates to Ontario miners.
Silica Exposure
Exposure to silica has become a major concern, particularly in the construction industry. Many construction substances such as concrete, gravel and more that are ground, cut or treated result in silica dust that has severe health effects when inhaled. This dust can be imperceptible to people when they are exposed to it but over time can result in severe illnesses and cancer to organs of the body including kidneys.
See our information page on Silica.
If you or someone you know works in an industry where they might be inhaling silica dust, it is imperative that they utilize the FREE Silica Control Tool.
See our Silica Control Tool page.
Other Airborne Contaminants
See our Work Related Cancer page for more information about hazards and workplace controls. As well as radiation and silica, Renal (kidney) diseases can be caused by exposures to other metals, such as cadmium, lead, beryllium, and benzene.
Another field that has been identified for high risk for cancer is welding. The Occupational Cancer Research Centre has done research on welding and cancer risk. As well, the Australian Cancer Council has information about occupational hazards for renal cancer caused by welding, and controls for those carcinogenic substances that can be implemented at work.
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