DATE RECORDED: Friday, August 18
As the climate emergency becomes more evident, heat and humidity are affecting more of us, sometimes fatally. OHCOW's recent heat stress infographic is being snapped up. The high costs for workers and their families are mostly invisible, much of it borne by individuals and society. Employers have few rules to follow, other than their general duty to protect workers. The mantra of "water, shade, rest" is not universally followed or enforced.
Join this webinar and hear about the basics of heat stress and illnesses, the experiences of workers in Canada and the United States, and efforts to deal with the hazard. Hosted by OHCOW Occupational Health Specialist Dorothy Wigmore, speakers will include:
- Juley Fulcher, Worker Health and Safety Advocate, Public Citizen (talking about the financial costs of heat stress and US heat stress prevention efforts)
- Chris Ramsaroop, Organiser with Justice for Migrant Workers (discussing what the group heard recently from southern Ontario migrant farmworkers about heat stress)
- Eduardo Huesca, Project Manager, Migrant Worker Projects, OHCOW, who provides a little history about OHCOW's work with migrant farmworkers around heat stress and describes current work in collaboration with the Canadian Environmental Law Association (CELA) focusing on temperature and humidity in worker housing.
- Lindsay Dixon, Canadian Environmental Law Association (describing CELA's follow-up to their report about heat stress issues for agricultural workers)
- Natasha Luckhardt, Director of Health, Safety and Environment, Ontario Federation of Labour (describing a current campaign for a heat stress regulation in Ontario
NOTE: This video has bookmarks, and you can skip to the different sections by hovering over the timeline.
Heat Stress and Sun Safety among Ontario Migrant Agricultural Workers
Eduardo Huesca,
Project Manager, Migrant Worker Projects, OHCOW
The Heat is On:
Heat Stress and Climate Action
Ontario Federation of Labour
The High Price of Heat Stress and Worker Protection Advocacy In the United States
Juley Fulcher,
Worker Health and Safety Advocate, Public Citizen
Protecting Workers from Heat Stress
Dorothy Wigmore, OHCOW
Migrant Workers, Heat Stress and Workers' Rights
Chris Ramsaroop, Organiser with Justice for Migrant Workers
OHCOW Resources, Tools and Provincial Regulations
Andre Gauvin, OHCOW
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